Friday, 14 May 2010

Bob Proctor From the Secret Daily Mentoring

Many people know Bob Proctor from The Secret which was a hit film a few years ago. Bob Proctor is a life coach, successful entrepreneur, multiple business owner and multimillionaire. When Bob Proctor was 26 he was given a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Bob Proctor's life changed dramatically from that day onward taking his annual income back in the 60's from $4000 per year to over $100,000 then over a million.

Since that time Bob Proctor has been studying the 11 forgotten laws of the universe. These Laws consist of

1. The Law of Thinking
2. The Law of Supply
3. The Law of Attraction
4. The Law of Receiving
5. The Law of Increase
6. The Law of Compensation
7. The Law of Non-Resistance
8. The Law of Forgiveness
9. The Law of Sacrifice
10. The Law of Obedience
11. The Law of Success

When Bob Proctor featured in 'The Secret' people did not understand the fact that 'The Secret' focused mainly on the Law of Attraction. There is another 10 Laws that were not spoken about. Since then Bob Proctor has brought out a learning course including all 11 Laws.

Most recently though, Bob Proctor has brought out a mentoring program where you can be mentored by Bob every weekday from the comfort of your own home. The program is called Six Minutes to Success and consists of a daily message from Bob Proctor followed by a 5 minute exercise to really jump start your day.

Bob's daily message is designed to break down and remove any limiting beliefs you may have and stack new positive empowering beliefs one on top of the other, to build massive success into your life. Most people wake up in the morning, not looking forward to the day let alone ready to attack it with passion and vigour. To build success we all need constant positive autosuggestion and to take daily action.

Daily mentoring by Bob Proctor will help bring money, abundance, faith and most importantly desire into your life. If you are not achieving the goals you keep setting you may just need a little daily mentoring from Bob Proctor.

Six minutes a day might be the difference between your success and failure or at the least, mediocrity. Ask yourself what you really want to achieve in life and whether you are prepared to reach for the stars and beyond, or settle for just an average life. You control your own destiny.

My name is Sean Bridger I am a 29 year old from Melbourne Australia. I study the mindset and personal development, run my own internet business and have a passion for travel and life experience

To listen to a Video from Bob Proctor one of my greatest mentors please visit

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