Saturday, 24 October 2009

Bob Proctor Teaches The Law Of Attraction And How To Keep A Positive Mind Set

My name is Keith Weir. First and foremost I wish to thank the " Supreme Intelligence" for having directed the "The Science of Getting Rich" in my direction. I have read the "The Science of Getting Rich" numerous times to date and believe that it was sent to me for a reason. Prior to reading this profound information I had continued to feel lost and astray in the wilderness.

I have a true sense of feeling fortunate, because almost two years ago to date I quit my job after almost twenty years as a front line Child Protection Social Worker. I quit due to being burnt out, depressed and tired of fighting the system. You may wonder why I would feel fortunate for what may sound like a difficult time to go through. Well truth being told, I am grateful for having been in that position of helping people for as long as I was able to, for it has made me who I am today, has given me a loving family and placed me in the best mind set I can ever remember being in.

I now have a completely different mind set that looks at every day as a new beginning and energizes me to believe I can do anything I set my mind to. The "Science of Getting Rich" was introduced to the world in 1910 by Wallace Wattles and holds true to today with the focus on visualization, keeping a positive outlook on life and not viewing things as they appear to be. The movie "The Secret" is based on "The Science of Getting Rich" and the Law of Attraction, which states you manifest that which you think about, whether positive or negative.

If more people were to practice this philosophy and incorporate it into their daily lives, society and the world would be better off. One of the most important things I have learned to date is to not focus on the ills of the world or be consumed with what you do not have. By doing so you only project more energy toward the negative and increase the problem.

I urge everyone to read the book "Science of Getting Rich" and watch the movie "The Secret" as it is inspirational and uplifting. The Law of Attraction crosses all religious, cultural, ethnic and social boundaries. Whether you believe in God or not, it does not matter because everything in is made up of "Universal Consciousness" and expanding energy. It is your choice if you want to attract positive or negative energy and vibration.

Be good to yourself and keep a positive outlook.

Keith Weir

Keith Weir is a social worker by nature and by profession and has been in practise for about 20 years, mainly in Child Protective Services. Although disillusioned by "the system" and having left CPS, he continues to fulfill what he has determined is his mission in life - helping and teaching others to live a better quality of life. Inspired by "The Secret", Keith has dedicated himself to teaching others how to manifest abundance in health, wealth and happiness while minimizing our impact on our environment.

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